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What's the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots. 1

What’s the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots.

What's the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots. 2
What’s the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots.

“All of these studies indicate measurable benefits to booster vaccines,” said Jerry Weir, director of the FDA’s Division of Viral Products. “This is pretty remarkable.” The latest COVID-19 booster along with an annual flu shot designed for older people may increase the risk of ischemic stroke among people over 65, but not others. Before the next flu season, the FDA promised a more comprehensive analysis of the data. A number of public speakers said they had been injured by their vaccinations, and officials noted that severe reactions were possible. However, data suggests that vaccines remain safe and substantially reduce the risk of hospitalization and death

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