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What's the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots. 1

What’s the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots.

What's the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots. 2
What’s the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots.

In most cases, the committee’s discussion focused on informing the FDA rather than providing formal direction. Any changes to vaccine policy must be approved by FDA commissioners. To implement the strategy, a second advisory panel must meet and the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must approve it. At the meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, the following topics were discussed: Everyone should receive the same vaccine One formal vote was taken Thursday, unanimously favoring a consistent vaccine target regardless of how many shots a person has received. When someone gets vaccinated for the first time, they receive a vaccine that targets the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, while boosters target both the original virus and the BA.4/BA.5 variants. Going forward, all shots would target the same variants if approved by the FDA commissioner. The COVID vaccine is holding up against highly contagious XBB variants, according to the CDC COVID booster shots:

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What's the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots.
What’s the future of COVID boosters? FDA vaccine panel moves toward simplifying shots.
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